Monday 5 May 2014

Him (part 6 - birthday wish for him)

1992.05.06 - it's the day a prince finally took his first breath into the world.

Thank you Mrs Byun for bearing 9 months of pregnancy to bring this precious boy into the world. It's a joy. Mr byun too, for your hardwork ;-). Baekbeom must be the luckiest brother ever.

I love him so fucking much. I fell in love with him as a man; he sees me as a fan who only support him as an idol. It's okay because reality is pain and shit right?

I still remember the first day why i chose him as my bias; asshole - you wrecked me. You got me spending $1828282++ on you. It's the only thing i could do right? Since you're miles away from me, it's like a love with a mirror blocking you from entering your other world - my other world which is you. Ew that's cheesy hahaha but only for this message ok.

It's all thank you, i'm trying my best to recover and stop having relapse. I promised myself, i must see you before the day i die. I promised myself that i will try to recover from my horrorful background, my disorder, my mental disability until the day i meet you.

Because of you, i smile after having a really bad day. Whenever i'm cry, until sometimes, i even choke terribly on my tears, i smile whenever someone talks to me about you or tell me to look at my phone's lockscreen because it's you smiling. Your smile - it's healing. It's my only cure to happiness.

Even though you might not read this, i just want to tell you how precious you are to me, to the whole exo fandom - and to exo. exo can never be complete without you. exo without you; a piano without black keys, twitter without followers, a face without its features.

But whatever it is, you're perfect. You're perfect. "Life is a path full of efforts." You're beautiful. Your voice, your smile, your laughter, it's slowly healing me.

Thank you - and happy birthday; Byun Baekhyun. I love you. I really do. I'll meet you one day.

"Meeting you is a fate;
 making friends with you is a 
 but falling in love with you,
 it's what my heart wants right?"

i love you byun baekhyun.

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