Tuesday 31 December 2013

The rain (kaixluhan) [M]

It was during a rainy day when Luhan decides to visit Jongin. Drenched in rain, he knocked on the door, welcoming by jongin's smirk as he let Luhan in. 

"Such a great timing to visit huh lu-ge?" Jongin asked as he laughed at Luhan who was glaring while receiving the towel to clean himself.  "Hot cocoa?" Jongin asked and Luhan nodded. 

Minutes later, both of them settled down on the sofa, jongin's arms around Luhan's shoulder watching the television. "Turn on the heater, it's cold." Luhan asked. As jongin turned on the heater, luhan moaned in pleasure as he feels the room starts warming up. Meanwhile Jongin, his buddy down there started throb when Luhan moaned. 
*fuck i gotta do something about this* jongin thought.

He started slowly by rubbing his neck and dropping his hand, purposely, on luhan's crotch. Then, he gave small kisses on Luhan's neck and blew it. "Jongin ah what are you doin-" his words were cut by jongin's kiss. Slowly, the kiss starts to grew wilder and jongin palming Luhan's clothed buddy. 

"Come lu-ge..lets continue this in the room" jongin spoke as he hold luhan's hand and lead him to the bed room. Pushing luhan's body down the bed, luhan groaned as jongin insert his tongue in his mouth and suck on luhan's mouth. 

Both of them started to peel off their clothing. Naked, jongin rubbed his hard buddy while groaning. "Lu-ge, let me see you pleasure yourself. Make your hole wet enough so i won't enter dry." Jongin told him as he started to lick his fingers and entered one in his manhole. 

"Ahh.. Jongin-ah.. Ahh.." Luhan's moan was making jongin impatient as he continues to rub his own hard on. 

"I can't take it anymore." Jongin pulls Luhan's fingers away as he groaned and entered his buddy in without warning causing Luhan to screamed and his nail scratched jongin's shoulders. 

In and out continuously as jongin placed luhan's leg on his shoulder while kissing luhan, moaning and groaning on each other tongue. "AHH" luhan groaned extra loudly, jongin finally found luhan's prostate. As his thrust gets wilder, the sound of skin slapping gets louder, luhan came first and then jongin, as he end it with the last few thrust to push his seeds in luhan's manhole. Their perspiration dripped off their naked body. 

"That was hot. I should come often during rainy days." Luhan chucked. 

"Yeah you should and are you warmed up from the cold rainy day today?" Jongin smirked as he pulled out from Luhan and snuggled with Luhan to sleep.

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